December 16, 2015 Starting with 01.01.2016, it will become mandatory to prepare a physical security risk analysis for all companies, regardless of the nature of the share capital, which hold goods or securities for any reason and are obliged to ensure their protection, according to Law no. 333/2003 on the protection of objectives, assets, values and protection of persons and GD no. 301/2012 for the approval of the Methodological Norms. The law stipulates that the lack of risk analysis for physical security is sanctioned with a fine from 5,000 to 10,000 lei. Policemen, gendarmes, as well as mayors or their proxies are the ones who have to check whether or not companies comply with the law on the protection of objectives, assets, values and protection of persons. By law, the risk analysis must be performed by a physical security risk assessor. It must be registered in the RNERSF – National Register of Physical Security Risk Assessors. Link Physical security risk analysis
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