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The 088 statement for VAT registration purposes is being removed from 1 February 2017

Based on the latest governance programme, one of the Government’ s objective is to reduce taxpayers’ excessive administrative tasks, therefore ANAF has analyzed and decided the removal of the 088 statement.

In order to avoid blocking the activity of taxpayers’ registration for VAT purposes and ensuring their further economic activity, the repealing order regarding the 088 statement enters into force on February 1st, 2017, until this date the new procedure will be updated, as well as the computer applications.

This is seen also as a VAT gap reduction measure. The VAT gap represents the difference between the VAT amounts that should have been collected within a period by the state and the amounts actually collected. Such VAT gap has decreased in 2015 and 2016, but still remains the highest of the countries within the EU region.


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